Stardew Valley mods you definitely need

Stardew Valley mods you definitely need

Written by: Alyssa Dykstra



Time to read 4 min

Curious about the mods I use whenever I play Stardew Valley? Here's the master list! I have two different save files with two different farm themes. One on my personal save file on "Thistles Farm", and another on "Over Yonder" farm with @cozygames!

(Interface mod: Overgrown Flowery Interface)

Mods from my farms

Welcome to Thistles's Farm! The furthest I've gotten in this save file was year 6, and around year 3, I decided to add some more practical and functional mods. Below you will see a list of all of my aesthetic mods as well as my gameplay mods that have saved me a lot of time and energy in Stardew!

Aesthetic mods:

1. Hudson Valley Buildings

Aesthetic building options thatinclude: houses, barns, coops, multiplayer cabins, slime hutch, well, obelisks, gold clock, silo, shed, Shane's chicken coop, mill, fish pond, and the big shed.

2. Daisy Niko's Earthy Recolour

Recolor Stardew Valley to create a warm, earth-toned look that's easy on the eyes

3. Seasonal Outdoor Fences

More aesthetic fences that replace the old fences!

4. Pet Bowl Recolor

Creates a more earthy color for the pet area

5. Gwen's Paths

Replaces paths with more aesthetic stone and wooden paths

6. More Grass

Cause I always want more grass!

7. Industrial Kitchen Interior
Cute kitchen interior!

8. Coii's Girls Set Pack
Cuter clothes and hairstyles

9. Hats Won't Mess Up Hair

Cause I wanna look cute AND wear my hats

10. Better Artisan Goods icons
This mod makes jelly, pickles, wine, juice, and honey icons be based on the fruit, vegetable, or flower used to make them. Easily tell at a glance what types of wine, jelly, etc you have in your inventory!

11. Vanilla tweaks- farming edition

Gives various farming crops & icons a lil' more spice (;

12. Chest Deco

Turning chests into barrel, crates, rack, etc using Alternative Textures

Gameplay mods:

1. Sit for Stamina

Super helpful especially in year 1 and 2 when you need more energy.

2. Skull Cavern Elevator

Get that Iridium! The Skull Cavern is never ending- this mod is necessary IMO.

3. Save Anywhere

Cause I wanna be able to save anywhere GDI

4. Automatic Gates

Cause I'm tired of opening and closing the gates on myself...

5. Automate

Place a chest next to a machine (like a furnace or crystalarium), and the machine will automatically pull raw items from the chest and push processed items into it. Connect multiple machines with a chest to link them.

6. Look Up Anything

One of my favorite mods, it's a life saver! See live info about whatever's under your cursor when you press F1. Learn a villager's favourite gifts, when a crop will be ready to harvest, how long a fence will last, why your farm animals are unhappy, and more.

7. Generic Mod Config Menu

Adds an in-game UI to edit other mods' config options.

8. Tiny Greenhouse

For all your tiny greenhouse needs- I use it for coffee plants!

9. Better Ranching

Tired of clicking the wrong place when tending to your animals? This mod helps with that, and it also shows you which animals need attention!

10. NPC Locations

Now you can finally see where everyone is at any point in the day on the map!

BASE MODS NEEDED: Content Patcher and SMAPI

MOD MANAGER: I use Vortex to manage all my mods, because I can easily make mod profiles for one game, and I can also easily switch between multiple games I play! If you only mod Stardew Valley, community members have reccomended Stardrop.


Mods from "Over Yonder" Farm with @cozygames

When I play with @cozygames on Sundays, we use different mods! We were going for a more vibrant cottagecore feel on this farm. Check out the mods we use below!

Aesthetic mods:

1. Tanga Forest Buildings

Aesthetic cottagecore buildings for your farm!

2. Vibrant Pastoral Recolor

We also love the Earthy Recolour, but you can't beat this mod when fall comes around. Plus- it's way easier to see when you need to water your crops. We love the bright and vibrant look of this mod alongside the subdued oranges! (Note: VPR Temp fix 1.6 mod is also needed)

3. Witchy Rustic Looks

Witchy outits and hats!

4. Pet Bowl Recolor

Creates a more earthy color for the pet area

5. Stardew Foliage Redone

More realistic trees, adds to the cottagecore feel :)

6. Medieval Craftables

Seasonal craftables retexture/recolor that add to the cottagecore feel

7. Lovely Tools
Cottagecore style tools

8. Firefly Torch
Changes the torch into a cluster of fireflies (animated)

9. Seasonal hats

Adds Seasonal Hats (by Beans and Maea) to Fashion sense (needed for download). Includes all original hats, and adds colourable and prismatic versions!

10. Expressive Elf Ears
Wanna live your best cottagecore life as an elf?

Gameplay mods:

1. Sit for Stamina

Super helpful especially in year 1 and 2 when you need more energy.

2. Skull Cavern Elevator

Get that Iridium! The Skull Cavern is never ending- this mod is necessary IMO.

3. Save Anywhere

Cause I wanna be able to save anywhere GDI

4. Automatic Gates

Cause I'm tired of opening and closing the gates on myself...

5. Visible Fish

This mod shows fish that are currently catchable in the water. Works with modded locations and modded fish!

6. Look Up Anything

One of my favorite mods, it's a life saver! See live info about whatever's under your cursor when you press F1. Learn a villager's favourite gifts, when a crop will be ready to harvest, how long a fence will last, why your farm animals are unhappy, and more.

7. Generic Mod Config Menu

Adds an in-game UI to edit other mods' config options.

8. CBJ Cheats Menu

Are you on your millionth save file and you just want to speed things along? Kennedy (@cozygames) feels the same way, so she uses this mod frequenetly. This is a simple in-game cheats menu with lots of cheats!

9. More lively Meadowlands farm

Changes the look of vanilla MeadowLands Farm with some tweaks, additions and qql changes.

BASE MODS NEEDED: Content Patcher, Fashion Sense, and SMAPI

MOD MANAGER: I use Vortex to manage all my mods, because I can easily make mod profiles for one game, and I can also easily switch between multiple games I play! If you only mod Stardew Valley, community members have reccomended Stardrop.